Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm going away this weekend again and while packing last night I realized something...I hate my wardrobe. No, correction...I hate this wardrobe challenge. I am so tired of everything I have but there's nothing I can do about it for another month and a half. How am I going to get through these last weeks??  I was singing a different tune earlier this week however; when I went to visit a friend in the hospital, I had about 7 different women tell me they loved my shoes and 2 other women tell me they loved my outfit. Just random people...ok, they were mostly nurses who wear dowdy scrubs every day and only look at other nurses in their dowdy scrubs and white reebok sneakers all day long so I'm sure anyone in a pair of cute shoes would have been a nice change of pace for them. Oh yes, I was loving my wardrobe challenged life that day. And now I've hit a brick wall.  My mind is swirling with thoughts of purging everything I own when this dumb challenge is over and starting from scratch with a completely new wardrobe.  Probably not the greatest idea though because that would cost beacoup bucks and would totally defeat the purpose of all this sacrifice.