Sunday, July 3, 2011

Well, it finally happened. I stood in front of my closet yesterday and came to the conclusion that I had nothing to wear. It sounds ridiculous but it's true. And the funny thing is I didn't even have anywhere special to dress up for. All I did was go to the movies with my husband. Who on God's green earth cares about what they're going to wear when they're going to be sitting in a dark theater for 2 hours? Me, that's who. I don't know what came over me but in that moment I thought to myself, 'this wardrobe challenge is the dumbest idea I've ever had.' Maybe it was because yesterday was one of those 'I feel fat' days that us girls have from time to time....which also inevitably turns into a day when you feel like you have nothing to wear. I literally sifted through my drawers saying "ew...ew...ew" after every article of clothing I flipped through. So of course before I knew it we had 15 minutes before the movie started and I still hadn't decided what to wear. I finally threw something on that I was mildly comfortable in and after hearing my husband ask me in his 'I'm irritated' voice if I was almost done, I realized I didn't have enough time to do my makeup. So I left the house without it. Not a lick of it anywhere on my face. I can't even remember the last time I went anywhere without makeup on. Now, I'm not saying I glam myself up every time I walk out the door but I at least try to put some mascara and lipgloss on. This time I went completely au natural.  I slapped on some chap stick on the car ride to the movies and called it a day. I expect I'll have plenty more days like this before my challenge is over. But I've already successfully made it through one whole month of this challenge so there's no turning back now.

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